Typography Principles - typographyprinciples.obys.agency. |
Game Performance Optimization - A Practical #Example From Industry Idle - ruoyusun.com/2022/01/28/game-pref.html. |
The computers used to do 3D animation for Final Fantasy - lunduke.substack.com/p/the-computers-used-to-do-3d-animation - It's time for a little dive into mid-1990s #computer history!. |
origami-resource-center.com/quilling/ - Learn how to do quilling. This age old paper #craft is easy to master and requires minimal tools. It produces amazing results for cards and. |
dev.to/ - Building a full stack #web3 app with Next.js, Polygon, Solidity, The Graph, IPFS, and Hardhat. Tagged with web3, blockchain, solidity, webdev. |
kau.sh/blog/awk-1-oneliner-dollar-explanation/ - Curated #thoughts on various topics like programming, technology, music, life and personal stuff from Kaushik Gopal. Friends call me kaush. |