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Book Summaries: 1,000+ Free Summaries of the World's Best Books - Fourminutebooks.com - Want free book #summaries we share the 3 central ideas from over 1,000 books in just 4 minutes each. |
Typography Principles - Typographyprinciples.obys.agency. |
Game Performance Optimization - A Practical #Example From Industry Idle - Ruoyusun.com. |
The computers used to do 3D animation for Final Fantasy - Lunduke.substack.com - It's time for a little dive into mid-1990s #computer history!. |
Dev.to - Building a full stack #web3 app with Next.js, Polygon, Solidity, The Graph, IPFS, and Hardhat. Tagged with web3, blockchain, solidity, webdev. |
Kau.sh - Curated #thoughts on various topics like programming, technology, music, life and personal stuff from Kaushik Gopal. Friends call me kaush. |
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