![]() NicknackJoined 2 Year's Ago Last Active 3 Day's Ago Clicks 690 Following 72 Followers 9 I am a henchman a diminutive manservant, the man with the golden potato gun. My plan is to cause you sleepless nights but its turning out to be very expensive at the supermarket as ammo is not cheap anymore because of covid. |
I can sort of see 'em. Maybe? or sumink #jungle - youtu.be/vkXeqSWr0-M. |
Get the f*ck off the commode. |
I am a junglist #jungle and I (love) my dog - youtube.com/watch?v=F6K2ghJz4Oo&si=ndxH771z-E-S_Tcc. |
Good news, I have been able to get some maris pipers these are strong projectiles and some aloe Vera for the dog. I am excited today. |
Click the user icon below to see my profile. I am of service. |
Try as I may and try I did, I just could not get the dog to bark last night. We both need a rest I think. |
I discovered that this is how you get the dog to bark, I like doing it a lot. |
I have recently been using my forefinger. |
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