![]() Every 3 meter square of the world has been given a unique #combination of three #words used for e-commerce and delivery, navigation more. What3words.com.Added By Orange01 About 2 Month's Ago From Desktop Clicks 256 ![]() What Three Words |
Battleforlibraries.com - Don’t let #libraries die. As the future goes digital, major publishers are suing to cut off libraries defense of digital books from censorship. It’s time to _ back. |
Mark's Very Large National Lampoon Site - Marksverylarge.com - Your Unauthorized Guide to the Golden Age of #National Lampoon Magazine (1970-1975). |
The Self-Insert Story Generator - Suegen.azureye.net - Welcome to the Self-Insert #Fanfiction Generator! It's nothing more and nothing less than what it says on the tin. |
Wajas.com - Petsite where you can collect, design, breed, and sell #virtual wolves! 17 breeds and tons of markings, genetic mutations, textures and accessories. |
Blog.the-pans.com - This is a note on, the Turing Award laureate, Ted Codd's revolutionary paper — A #Relational Model of #Data for Large Shared Data Banks. |
What Peng Shuai reveals about one-party rule - Economist.com - When a tennis star accuses a grandee of assault, China has no answer. |
Fahrrad-tools.de - Which tire fits my bike? Tires are always flat and now buy a #tire with puncture protection? Find the right tire now!. |
Our Self Imposed #scarcity of Nice Places - Strongtowns.org - Why is it that when a place is [pick one: walkable, bikeable, beautiful, lovable, inviting, human-scale]. |
The Most #beautiful Gardens in the World, According to Tourists - Housefresh.com. |
Present bias: how #instant gratification impacts your long-term goals - Nesslabs.com. |
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