Write Simply, Change Effectively - Hagakure.substack.com - The single biggest problem in communication is the #illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw. |
Jsoncrack.com - Simple #visualization tool for your JSON data. No forced structure, paste your JSON and view it instantly. |
Free Pattern Creator and Free Pattern Downloads - Freepatternwizard.com - Free stitching pattern creator and generator. Also, free pattern #downloads for beading, cross stitch, knitting, crochet. |
#butterflies and Moths of North America - Butterfliesandmoths.org. |
Are Paper Towels Sustainable? Here Are the Facts - Impactful.ninja - Every great invention has its flaws. Whether you’re drying your hands or #cleaning up a spill, paper towels can always do the job. |
Explore the worlds and systems of #starwars from the icy tundra of Hoth to the deserts of Tattooine, in this interactive experience built by nclud - Starwarsgalaxy.co. |
A #CSS drawing experiment to see what’s possible with a single div - A.singlediv.com. |
Get hands-on right away with the Web #whiteboard for instant collaboration, where you can brainstorm, share ideas and manage projects without signing-up - Webwhiteboard.com. |