![]() Cassettes1Joined 2 Year's Ago Last Active 2 Year's Ago Clicks 734 Following 0 Followers 10 |
Transparent Textures Transparenttextures.com A large collection of #CSS patterns, which can be filtered and colorized. |
The Bullet Journal Method How and Why to Use a BuJo - 101planners.com - A step by step explanation on how to use the bullet #journal method and how not to use it. |
Blog.reedsy.com - Jumpstart your novel with this random plot generator, which can churn out 500,000+ good #plot and story combinations, fantasy, romance, sci-fi, mystery, or drama. |
More on #Herringbone Wang Tiles - Nothings.org. |
Youtube.com - #djaphrodite - Let It Roll (VIP). |
Remove-vocals.com - Remove vocals from any song and get the instrumental #karaoke track using state of the art AI. |
What Is the Internet of Things? A WIRED Guide - Wired.com - What you need to know about the promise (and peril) of networked lightbulbs, ovens, cameras, speakers and, well #everything. |
Learn how to #garden and grow plants successfully from the National Gardening Association. Read articles about vegetables, flowers, and herb and much more - Garden.org. |
Star Wars: An Interactive Galactic Experience - Starwarsgalaxy.co. |
Philosophers and scientists have been at war for decades over the question of what makes human beings more than #complex robots - Theguardian.com. |
Skip Lievsay is one of the most talented men in Hollywood. He has created #audioscapes for Martin Scorsese and is the only sound man ... Theguardian.com. |
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