History Maps is a platform where Users can explore and create timelines and #maps of #world #history with History Maps, a User can learn about world historical events in the most intuitive way, visually - history-maps.com.

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History Maps is a platform where Users can explore and create timelines and #maps of #world #history with History Maps, a User can learn about world historical events in the most intuitive way, visually - history-maps.com.
Tooltipster, a #free flexible and extensible javascript plugin for modern tooltips github.com/calebjacob/tooltipster by Caleb Jacob and Louis Ameline under MIT license. Compatible with Mozilla Fire_, Google Chrome, IE6+ and others.
myidentifiers.com - My Identifiers is the only official website of the U.S. ISBN Agency. We provide you with the products and services to make your #books more discoverable. Get your ISBNs today!.
Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true #book lover - standardebooks.org.
How to use the en dash, em dash and hyphen (also ndash, mdash) - punctuationmatters.com/en-dash-em-dash-hyphen/ - It's easy to use the hyphen, em dash and en dash to make your writing #flow better.
Media #History Digital Library - mediahist.org/#lantern-search.
ninite.com - The easiest, fastest way to update or #install software. Ninite downloads and installs programs automatically in the background.
graphicmeans.com - Official website for the documentary, Graphic Means: A History of #Graphic Design Production.
withinhours.com - What cities are an hour from me? Calculate the distance and travel #time to find cities located within hours of your location.
jeroenheijmans.github.io/advent-of-code-surveys/ - Results dashboard with the yearly (unofficial) Advent of Code participant #survey.
animagraffs.com/_-machine/ - _s are electro-mechanical _ #machines that use randomized numbers and produce probable results. Payout table The pay table shows the player what combinations pay out and how much.
birdcast.info - When, where, and how far will birds migrate? Our #migration forecasts will answer these questions for the first time.
onlinetopomaps.net - Online topographic (topo) #maps with trails and high-resolution #aerial photos of all the United States (US) (USA) and Canada. Topography of the USA.
meshgradient.in - Online tool to generate mesh gradients. You can randomize the #mesh pattern or customize your own colors then download in PNG format.
dogbolt.org - Decompiler Explorer is an interactive online #decompiler which shows equivalent C-like output of decompiled programs from many popular decompilers.
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