Help a Computer Win the New Yorker Cartoon #Caption Contest - Pudding.cool. |
Gamedeveloper.com - A modern classic that's almost 30 years old, let's #find out how it works!. |
Marksverylarge.com - Your Unauthorized Guide to the Golden Age of National #Lampoon Magazine (1970-1975). |
Transition.style - Drop-in #CSS transitions. |
Blockbench.net - Puts all the tools at your disposal to make creating boxy models as easy as possible. Simply resize, rotate and arrange #cuboid shapes to form your own model. |
Online Tuner: Guitar, Bass Guitar and Ukulele Tuner - Muted.io. |
History of Workplace Safety. A look at over 200 years of safety developments in the #workplace - Safetylineloneworker.com. |
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