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Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, #nonlinear stories - Twinery.org.

Added By Easter1 About 1 Year Ago From Mobile

Clicks 399
Published 10


19 Of The Most Creative Upcycling Ideas Houseandtech.com #upcycling is the process of re-purposing unused items or trash for something else.
Picker Wheel Pickerwheel.com #pickerwheel Helps you to make a random decision.
Writing web-based #interactive fiction with ink - Inklestudios.com - As used to author Heaven's Vault, 80 Days and Sorcery!: produce interactive scripts by writing in pure-text with ink markup.
Calm-down.glitch.me - This simple app is based on a DIY project that encourages meditation and mindfulness. The physical #calm down bottle can be used as a time-out or meditation timer.
While the complete history of the Internet could easily fill a few books, this article should familiarize you with key milestones and events related to the growth and evolution of the Internet between 1969 to 2009.
The Mountain of Mountains - Outsideonline.com - How do you crack the code to K2, the darkest, deadliest #peak on the planet? If you're a climber, have the wisdom to know that failure has its own rewards.
#cheetah Nature's Speed Machine - Animagraffs.com - They’re lightning quick poachers, small aerodynamic head, long slender body, oversized respiratory system, lean, highly concentrated muscle groups.
Unrooted Diagram of about 3000 species - Zo.utexas.edu - This #tree is from a small subunit rRNA sequences sampled from about 3,000 species from throughout the Tree of Life.
Calculate your #age in days! Enter your birth date and check how many days you have lived. Get ready for big birthdays, for you and the people you care about - Dayssincebirth.com.
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