![]() wordsafety.com - Trying to decide a name for a website, #app or other project? Good names are difficult to come up with. And if you've found one: have you considered what your potential name might mean in another language?.Added By Dogs1 About 1 Year Ago From Mobile Clicks 327 |
ZoomPast Family Tree Explorer zoompast.com/ Your whole #genealogy on one page with a zooming interface for intuitive exploration. |
lessmilk.com/almost-pong/ - Press space (or tap the screen) to make the ball #jump and hit the paddles for as long as possible. |
Draw pixel art using CSS only - ku_ra.dev/lab/picssel-art/ - Lets you draw #pixel art using CSS only. |
odra.city/ - An everlasting #underwater music experiment. A different look at generative sounds. |
Simple, beautiful, zero-carbon #building for everyone - wikihouse.cc. |
Kitchen Cleaning _s - thekitchn.com/kitchen-cleaning-_s-264886 - We've got the laziest way to de-clutter your home, the #secret to a clean dutch oven, a genius DIY vacuum attachment, and more. |
CSS Creatures are made with 100% all-natural HTML and fresh-squeezed #CSS - bennettfeely.com/csscreatures/. |