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Citylines.co - citylines.co is a collaborative platform for #mapping the transit systems of the world.

Added By Texture01 About 2 Year's Ago From Mobile

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Forgotten #detroit Forgottendetroit.com A study of several historically significant abandoned buildings in Detroit #michigan including historical material and recent interior and exterior photographs.
Pizza Instructions for #extraterrestrials - Planet.pizza.
Advice Every #Writer Should Reconsider & Revise Entirely - Thechroniclesofhistory.com.
Tic80.com - fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny #games.
Australiangeographic.com.au - Here are 10 animals known for getting drunk or high on #intoxicating wild plants.
Alternativeto.net - AlternativeTo lets you find apps and software for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android, Android Tablets, Web Apps, Online, Windows Tablets and more by recommending #alternatives to apps you already know.
Finding Your Home in #Game Graphics Programming - Alextardif.com.
Onychophora.com - Website dedicated to the #phylum Onychophora.
A Brief History of the #uk - Unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com.
Roland50.studio - Emulate the sound of Roland's most famous and influential #musical instruments from Yuri Suzuki and Roland.
The easiest way to identify #birds by sound - Birdnet.cornell.edu.
Can We Really Be Friends with an Octopus? - Hakaimagazine.com - When #octopuses are social, are they reaching out or simply reacting?.
How do you do it? What are the different types? What are the effects of #meditation and mindfulness, according to the latest scientific research - Informationisbeautiful.net.
Random Word Generator - Randomwordgenerator.com.
Wind map and weather forecast. Weather radar, wind and waves forecast for kiters, surfers, paragliders, pilots, sailors and anyone else. Worldwide animated #weather map, with easy to use layers and precise spot forecast - Windytv.com.
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