![]() A visual, interactive introduction to hash functions Samwho.dev you use hash functions every day. They're used in databases to optimise queries, they're used in data structures to make things faster, they're used in security to keep data safe. Almost every interaction you have with technology will involve #hash functions in one way or another.Added By Dotted About 1 Year Ago From Mobile Clicks 1K |
Your Lucky CSS Pattern made with CSS gradients. Get a nice background from a collection of more that 100 #CSS patterns - Random.css-pattern.com. |
In laymans terms its bog roll - Papertoilet.com. |
Convert your Google Doc to a website in under 30 seconds - Gopagify.com - Make clean, zero-hassle #websites from your Google Docs with Pagify. No sign up needed. |
Animagraffs.com - Disc vs DrumBrakes Rotor (disc) The rotor provides a #friction surface for the brake pads to press against. Brake pad. |
Spectrum.ieee.org - The last direct-current power lines are being dismantled just as DC #distribution seems headed for a comeback. |
Squibler.io - The Most Dangerous #Writing App. If you stop typing, all progress will be lost. Now with over 500 writing prompts to choose from. |
Mediaquery.style - A quick reference for looking up the #syntax for some of the most common media #queries with code and explanations for each. |